What is a Unity Sand Ceremony?

Many options are available to couples who want to have a sand ceremony at their wedding.  In the simplest ceremony only the bride and groom pour the sand. If desired, the wedding officiate, parents, and children may also take part.

In a sand ceremony, couples celebrate the joining of their lives by pouring individual vessels of sand into one unity vase.  Once poured, the grains of sand can never again be separated into individual containers.

The bride and groom select their individual sand colors.  For couples who are blending a family with children, each child can participate as well by choosing a sand color.

During the wedding ceremony the couple and all participants step to the pedestal or table which has been arranged with the larger unity vase in the center and the individual vessels around or on either side.

Some couples begin by pouring or having their wedding officiate pour into the unity vase a layer of white or neutral sand representing their faith in God or their firm foundation in Jesus Christ.  Parents may also have poured their sand colors earlier in the service at the time of their being seated for the wedding.

The pouring can be done in any order or fashion, but typically each child pours a color in separately, then the bride and groom together merge their colors on top. If needed, additional neutral colored sand can be used to fill to the top of the vase to ensure that the design is preserved. It is important to handle the vase with care so that it is not spilled.  Place cotton balls on top to protect the sand design. If the vase does not have a tight-fitting lid or cork, melted paraffin or wax melts can be used to seal the vase.  The unity vase then becomes a treasured keepsake.